Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Zombie Vampire Tick

Last night, I discovered a deer tick on me that had been there a couple of days.  The Brat Child watched while it was pulled off and the area cleaned.  He listened to his grandfather suggest that I call my doctor because of the threat of Lyme's Disease.  Later while tucking him in for the night....

Brat Child: What's that disease thing?
Me: It's called Lyme's disease, it's something some ticks carry.
Brat Child: Are you going to get that disease?
Me: Maybe maybe not, I'll talk to the doctor about medicine.
Brat Child: If you get it, are you going to start biting people and sucking their blood?
(He seemed a little too excited about the prospect)


  1. The shame is, he's going to grow up and lose this wonderful imaginative thinking!

  2. Yes, though his mother looks for ghosts, chases Bigfoot and Mothman and once camped at a UFO Ranch. He might keep some of that imagination ;)
