Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Shooting Spiders

For some time, we were noticing that someone was having some trouble with their aim in the bathroom.
I, of course, talked to the Brat Child about making sure to get it all in the toilet.
A few days later, I noticed that a small cup used to catch condensation from the shut off valve behind the toilet was full.  Not with condensation.
Me: Are you aiming for that little cup behind the toilet? (because if he was, he had incredible aim)
Brat Child: No, there was a spider.
Me: Did the spider make you jump or something? 
Brat Child: No, there's a spider under that silver thing (the shut off valve).  I was trying to kill it.
Me: Pee does not kill spiders! Pee goes in the toilet!
Later that evening I mentioned to my mother what I had discovered.

Mom: When I cleaned back there, I found a spider. It was dead.
Me: Good Lord! Don't tell him that!

Monday, December 3, 2012


While doing his reading homework about wolf spiders, the Brat Child pointed to the egg case and said, 
"Oh my shoot! This spider has nuts!"