Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Zombie Vampire Tick

Last night, I discovered a deer tick on me that had been there a couple of days.  The Brat Child watched while it was pulled off and the area cleaned.  He listened to his grandfather suggest that I call my doctor because of the threat of Lyme's Disease.  Later while tucking him in for the night....

Brat Child: What's that disease thing?
Me: It's called Lyme's disease, it's something some ticks carry.
Brat Child: Are you going to get that disease?
Me: Maybe maybe not, I'll talk to the doctor about medicine.
Brat Child: If you get it, are you going to start biting people and sucking their blood?
(He seemed a little too excited about the prospect)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Feeling Older

Today the Brat Child turns 7.  How time flies when you're cracking up...
I asked if he felt older...

Brat Child: Yes, soon I'll need you to buy me a car.
Me: Oh
Brat Child: I'm a little taller today too.